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State Rep. Steve Demetriou Interviewed after Introducing the E-Check Ease Act

August 9, 2024

Recently, State Representative Steve Demetriou joined State Representative Bill Roemer (R— Richfield) to introduce HB 640, the E-Check Ease Act.

Speaking on the legislation in an interview with Cleveland 19 News, Rep. Demetriou said, “The bill is pretty simple. It creates a way for Northeast Ohioans to comply with the E-Check mandate through personal form, saying their vehicle complies with the federal Clean Air Act on guidelines that require the state to implement this E-Check mandate.”

Currently, residents of the following Ohio counties must comply with E-Check mandates set forth by the federal Clean Air Act, administered by the Ohio EPA: Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit. All gasoline, diesel, and hybrid vehicles without an electric plug-in charging port, between four and twenty-five years old, registered in these counties, must be tested every two years.

Rep. Demetriou, in an interview with Fox 8 News, noted benefits to Northeast Ohioans if HB 640 is signed into law: “We’re giving our constituents back the most precious thing we all have, which is our time.”

If signed into law, HB 640 would also shrink the E-Check mandate for gasoline and diesel vehicles to six to twenty-five years old, and the mandate for hybrid vehicles would shrink to seven to twenty-five years old.

Interviews and videos regarding the E-Check Ease Act can be accessed here:

Cleveland 19 News

Fox 8 News


State Rep. Steve Demetriou Interviewed for Legislation Regarding Deepfakes and Online Protection

July 11, 2024

Ohioans would get more protection from targeted “deepfakes” with new bills proposed in the state House of Representatives seeking to enhance personal privacy and security.

Ohio House Bill 401, sponsored by Rep. Steve Demetriou, R-Bainbridge Township, and Rep. Kevin Miller, R-Newark, would create the offense of “nonconsensual distribution of a deepfake,” or spreading a falsified digital image or recording that has been altered and manipulated to falsely represent someone as doing or saying something that they didn’t do or say.

Taking a more specific approach, Demetriou has also introduced House Bill 295, or the Innocence Act.

With this, Demetriou’s bill would require organizations to verify users’ age before giving them access to inappropriate or obscene content, forbid using another’s likeness to create sexually explicit images of them, and allow the private right of civil action for each offense.

Demetriou became aware of this problem after seeing a Twitch streamer share her reaction to her face being foisted upon lewd imagery.

“My aide and I, you know, watched an interview with her and she broke down in tears and just talked about her experience with, you know, just seeing her image and likeness imposed on a pornographic video unknowingly,” said Demetriou.

Recognizing the potential for danger and harm stemming from this particular application of deep fakes, Demetriou began working on House Bill 295.

“Especially for young women, this is a real threat,” said Demetriou. “That just didn’t sit well with me. And I think we need to protect our children and especially you know, women, against these threats.”

House Bill 295 would draw upon existing language within the Ohio Revised Code and expand it to cover deepfakes.

“You can already have a, you know, civil cause of action for revenge porn. So to the deepfake side of things, we just kind of use that existing part of the revised code to address this newer issue with deepfakes, what in the bill is called a fabricated sexual image, but with the age verification in 295 as well, that also has a civil cause of action created under the bill,” said Branden Agnew, Demetriou’s legislative aide.

Both Miller and Demetriou feel that it’s time for the law to catch up with rapidly transforming technologies in order to adequately uphold people’s personal rights.

Demetriou speculated that the measures may come up for a vote in the fall, and said he is determined to continue working on and refining the proposed bills.

“Like every evolving and emerging technology, there’s good and bad,” Demetriou said. “And we’re just trying to protect Ohioans from the bad while making sure, you know, they can still exercise their constitutional rights and freedoms. And I think we’re on the right side of history on these issues.”

From: Fishman, Noah. “Ohio House of Representatives May Approve Legislation to Curb Deepfake Defamation.” The Columbus Dispatch, 2 July 2024,

State Rep. Steve Demetriou Interviewed for Legislation Regarding Squatting and Protection for Property Owners

July 11, 2024

Four GOP state lawmakers want to crack down on squatters, arguing the current eviction process doesn’t provide enough legal protections to property owners.

Two nearly identical bills—House Bills 478 and 480—would allow owners to “immediately” request removal, by law enforcement, of an unauthorized person in a residential place under certain conditions. The bills would also broaden the definition of criminal mischief and create a title fraud charge in Ohio.

Rep. Steve Demetriou (R-Bainbridge Twp.) is sponsoring HB 480 and said the issue is personal. Demetriou was in the process of selling an investment property in Florida when his broker discovered a squatter in the house after his final tenant moved out—which delayed the sale.

“Peeking through the window, it looked like they had made themselves quite at home,” Demetriou said in an interview. “I think they just saw a vacant property, and probably knew that it was getting sold and probably knew that it was potentially an out-of-state owner, and took advantage of that.”

The intention with the bill, he said, is to target people who enter a unit illegally.

“We’re certainly not trying to create avenues for landlords that want to use this as an avenue just to kick out a legitimate tenant that maybe they just don’t like,” Demetriou said.

From: Donaldson, Sarah. “Ohio House Bills Circumvent Standard Evictions Process for Squatters.” The Statehouse News Bureau, 24 June 2024,

Steve Demetriou Files for Re-Election to Ohio’s 35th House District

December 18, 2023

BAINBRIDGE TWP. – This week, State Representative Steve Demetriou – husband, father, West Point graduate, former Army Ranger, and small business owner – officially filed petitions with the Summit County Board of Elections to seek a second term representing the residents of the 35th District in the Ohio House of Representatives. 

Demetriou said of the announcement, “Representing Geauga, Portage, and Summit County constituents in Columbus is a privilege, which is why I’m striving to make the most of each day to deliver results and address the pressing issues facing our region and state.”

“My goal is to ensure that every Ohioan, especially our children, can live a good and productive life right here in Northeast Ohio,” Demetriou continued. “That’s why I’m especially focused on lowering taxes and costs of living, promoting public safety, and ensuring our children receive the best possible education.”

Since taking office in January, Demetriou has voted for $3 billion in tax relief for families and small businesses; funding for enhanced emergency response capabilities; and an historic funding increase for K-12 education, while also expanding education options for Ohio families. Moreover, he’s taken action to alleviate the impact of inflation by sponsoring legislation to provide property tax relief for our seniors and veterans. 

Demetriou is well-positioned for re-election, holding the highest campaign cash-on-hand balance of any freshman state representative as of the most recent campaign finance filings. 

The new 35th House District includes South Russell, Auburn Township, and Bainbridge Township in Geauga County; Aurora, Streetsboro, and Mantua Township in Portage County; Macedonia, Northfield, Reminderville, Twinsburg, Northfield Center Township, Sagamore Hills Township, and Twinsburg Township in Summit County. The primary election is scheduled to take place on March 19, 2024. 

Steve Demetriou grew up in Northeast Ohio. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2011 with Dean’s List honors and a bachelor’s degree in economics. After West Point, the United States Army commissioned Steve as an infantry officer. He deployed to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom, where he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. After the military, Steve started and successfully grew a business, eventually employing more than 60 people. Steve now runs an investment business with his family. He is married with two sons. 


BREAKING: Demetriou Advances to General Election as Republican Nominee in Ohio House District 35

August 4, 2022

BAINBRIDGE: Tonight, former Army Ranger and small business owner, Steve Demetriou officially clinched the Republican nomination for the Ohio House of Representatives in District 35. The nomination was secured during an open primary and moves Demetriou, a West Point graduate, on to the General Election which will be held on November 8th of this year.

“We couldn’t be more excited about the position we are in heading towards November,” said campaign manager, Isaac Hadam. “The voters of District 35 are resonating to the message of servant leadership and common-sense conservative values,” he continued.

District 35 is comprised of parts of Geauga, Portage, and Summit Counties. Details can be found on the Ohio Secretary of State’s website.

With strong grassroots support and a solid fundraising effort, Demetriou is in a great position to carry momentum forward to November.

Steve Demetriou grew up in Northeast Ohio. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2011 with Dean’s List honors and a bachelor’s degree in economics. After West Point, the United States Army commissioned Steve as an infantry officer. He deployed to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom, where he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. After the military, Steve started and successfully grew a business, eventually employing more than 60 people. Steve now runs an investment business with his family. He is married with one son.


What Issues Matter to You?

July 26, 2022

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BREAKING: Steve Demetriou Hits $300,000 in Fundraising

March 17, 2022

BAINBRIDGE – Today, the campaign for Steve Demetriou, a former Army Ranger and small business owner running for the Ohio House of Representatives, announced that it had officially raised over $300,000 to-date.

Speaking of the sizable haul, Demetriou said, “The outpouring of support has been humbling. So many incredible people have been willing to invest in my campaign and that continues to motivate me in my mission to bring servant leadership to Columbus.”

With solid grassroots support and a highly successful fundraising operation, Demetriou is in a great position to build on this positive momentum all the way through November.

Steve Demetriou grew up in Northeast Ohio. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2011 with Dean’s List honors and a bachelor’s degree in economics. After West Point, the United States Army commissioned Steve as an infantry officer. He deployed to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom, where he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. After the military, Steve started and successfully grew a business, eventually employing more than 60 people. Steve now runs an investment business with his family. He is married with one son.


BREAKING: Steve Demetriou Is Republican Nominee for New State House District 23

February 2, 2022

BAINBRIDGE: Today, former Army Ranger and small business owner, Steve Demetriou, was the only candidate to file as a Republican in the newly formed Ohio State House District 23, making him the Republican nominee for the general election this November. 

“I am truly humbled and honored,” said Demetriou. “Our whole team worked very hard to earn this early success. My conservative ideals are the foundation of my campaign platform and I plan to work relentlessly to bring servant leadership to the 23rd District. I want to especially thank all of our supporters thus far for the time and energy they have poured into this team effort…this is only the beginning!”

The new District 23 is composed of parts of three counties: Geauga, Cuyahoga, and Summit. The Primary Election is on May 3rd and the General Election is scheduled for November 8th.


Steve Demetriou grew up in Northeast Ohio. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2011 with Dean’s List honors and a bachelor’s degree in economics. After West Point, the United States Army commissioned Steve as an infantry officer. He deployed to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom, where he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. After the military, Steve started and successfully grew a business, eventually employing more than 60 people. Steve now runs an investment business with his family. He is married with one son.

Steve Demetriou, Candidate for Ohio House District 23, Officially Files for Candidacy and Announces Initial Fundraising Haul

February 1, 2022

BAINBRIDGE – This week, Steve Demetriou, a former Army Ranger and small business owner, officially filed for candidacy in Geauga County. Additionally, Demetriou’s campaign committee, Demetriou for Ohio, filed their campaign finance report with the Secretary of State’s office. Demetriou is seeking the Republican nomination in the newly created Ohio House of Representative District 23. 

The signatures in support of his candidacy were compiled from all 3 of the counties that form the 23rd District (Geauga, Cuyahoga, and Summit Counties), with over 250% of the minimum required signatures filed. On the fundraising side, Demetriou reported raising over $255,000.00 with over $220,000.00 cash on hand. Despite being a first time candidate, Demetriou outraised nearly every incumbent in the Ohio House. Demetriou also outraised numerous U.S. Congressional candidates across Northeast Ohio. 

“It’s been great having some early success in both fundraising and collecting signatures to get on the ballot,” said Demetriou. “I am extremely humbled by the support our campaign has received and I look forward to meeting more voters through the remaining 90 days of this primary. We’re all tired of politics as usual and we need a fresh voice and dedicated servant leader as our Republican nominee going into the General election.”

Steve Demetriou grew up in Northeast Ohio. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2011 with Dean’s List honors and a bachelor’s degree in economics. After West Point, the United States Army commissioned Steve as an infantry officer. He deployed to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom, where he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. After the military, Steve started and successfully grew a business, eventually employing more than 60 people. Steve now runs an investment business with his family. He is married with one son.


Fresh off Underdog Win in Virginia, Former Glenn Youngkin Campaign Staffer Announced as Campaign Manager for Demetriou for Ohio House

December 7, 2021

CHAGRIN FALLS – Today, the campaign for Steve Demetriou, a veteran and small business owner running for the newly formed Ohio State House District 23, announced that they have brought on Isaac Hadam, a former Youngkin campaign staffer, to serve as campaign manager.

Hadam served as the Richmond Regional Youth Outreach Coordinator on the Glenn Youngkin Campaign and ran field operations in Hanover County, Virginia as well. In his work, he recruited dozens of volunteers and interns from colleges to participate in the campaign, and in Hanover County he built a team that knocked over 31,000 doors in the lead up to election day.

Before his time on the Youngkin Campaign, Hadam served as the campaign manager for Maine State Representative Nathan Wadsworth in 2020. During that campaign, Hadam helped Rep. Wadsworth earn his largest margin of victory ever in his district. 

“We are excited to have him on the team,” said Demetriou. “What happened in the Virginia Governor’s election was really amazing to watch as the state turned Red, and we are excited to have Isaac on board fresh off such an amazing performance.”

“I am excited to be a part of the movement we are seeing here in Ohio State House District 23,” said Hadam. He continued, “The passion Steve has to serve his community, state, and country is truly unparalleled, and something that motivated me to join this campaign. And that passion, along with his impressive record of service and commitment, is really resonating with folks across the District. I look forward to helping him win this upcoming year.”

Steve Demetriou grew up in Northeast Ohio. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2011 with Dean’s List honors and a bachelor’s degree in economics. After West Point, the United States Army commissioned Steve as an infantry officer. He deployed to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom, where he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. After the military, Steve started and successfully grew a business, eventually employing more than 60 people. Steve now runs an investment business with his family. He is married with one son.
